winter lawn care kansas

Caring for Your Lawn During Freezing Temperatures

It’s not uncommon for lawns in Kansas City to be mostly ignored in the winter. After all, things are dormant and don’t need much care, right? While this is partly true, it doesn’t mean the lawn should be completely ignored. Use the tips here to help ensure your lawn stays healthy – even during the winter months.


It’s a good idea to fertilize your lawn in the winter. You can do this using a spreader. As you are moving the machine across your grass, be sure to grip the handle similar to a trigger, which will allow it to release the pellets when you “shoot” it. Also, be sure to follow the instructions included on the fertilizer package. Only apply the amount recommended. Keep in mind, if you apply too much fertilizer, it can burn the grass, so try not to do this.

Aerate Your Lawn

You can help the roots of your grass get a little more air if you aerate your lawn. You can use a spade to take out spikes of soil all across the lawn, which is going to give you the holes needed to plant the seeds. If you have a bigger lawn, it’s probably a good idea to rent a motorized aerator, or at least a manual one, to reduce the amount of work you must do.

Spread Cool-Weather Rated Grass Seed

You should purchase grass seed that reads “cold season” or “cool weather” on the container. You can put this seed on your lawn using the same spreader you used for your fertilizer. Try to spread the seeds as evenly as possible so that you don’t wind up with clumps of grass later on.

Rake and Water Your Lawn

It’s a good idea to drag your rake across your lawn to break up any soil clumps and to cover up the seeds a little. You can then water everything using your garden hose. After this point, make sure you keep the soil moist and try not to let it get too dry.

Keep Everything Cleaned Up

It’s very important that you don’t leave toys, leaves, or debris on your lawn. These items can wind up smothering your grass, invite insects and other pests to your yard, and create disease conditions.

Lower Your Mower Blades

The last few times you mow before putting the lawnmower up for winter, you need to reduce the height of your mower blades. If the grass is too long, it could smother itself, result in diseases, and be damaged when freezing weather arrives. However, make sure you aren’t cutting the grass so short that you scalp it, as this is going to seriously damage your lawn.

As you can see, just because colder weather has moved in, it doesn’t mean you can sit on your haunches and remain indoors until warmer weather returns. Be sure to take action and ensure your lawn remains healthy throughout the winter months.  For help with your lawn care this winter, contact Kansas Turfmasters today.